Adoration Chapel

Adoration Chapel Hours:
Mon & WEd: 9 am - 9 pm
Tues, Thurs & Fri: 9 am - 5 pm

Chapel closed on Holy Days and Holidays.  Please note, if SPF schools are closed due to bad weather, the chapel will be closed. We need adorers who will commit to one hour a week.  If interested or you have any questions, please call the IHM Parish Office at 908-889-2100 or contact Kerby at

Adoration 101

“The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: by not only celebrating it but also by praying before it outside of Mass, we are enabled to make contact with the very wellspring of grace…It is nice to spend time with [Jesus], to lie close to his breast like the Beloved Disciple (cf. Jn13:25) and to feel the infinite love present in his heart.”
- Pope Saint John Paul II

What is Eucharistic Adoration?

Adoration is truly our belief in the “Real Presence”, to see Jesus and be visibly present with Him under the appearance of the Host. This provides us with an intimacy of Jesus as we worship Him. What an exceptional gift!

However, it does add a certain amount of responsibility needed by our Adorers to be “faithful” to the hours they are scheduled for, and during this stressful (pandemic) time, to reverently follow the new Chapel procedures.

  • Monday and Wednesday 9 AM - 9 PM
    Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9AM - 5 PM
    Closed Saturday. Sunday. Holy Days and Holidays

  • Yes. For security reasons, all Adorers must sign-in and out each day. The Sign-In Book is located next to the Entrance door.

    Safety: As you come in, please make sure the door is locked when entering and exiting the Chapel. The security codes are the same.

    ▪ The Sign-In Book will have: Sign-In Sheet, Holiday Closings, Adorers Schedule and contact phone numbers, along with the Substitute List. This is private information. Please respect the privacy and boundaries of other guests.

  • No. Jesus must NEVER be left alone.
    ▪ Eucharistic Ministers may move the monstrance to and from the Tabernacle, and those assigned Adorers during this time. Please contact the church office if you must leave the chapel 908-889-2100.

  • ▪ All Adorers need to confirm their contact information.
    ▪ Please fill out the form and leave it in the basket for the Pastor at the Chapel. The form includes: Name, Address, Phone Numbers, E-mail, Home Parish (if not at IHM), Adoration days/hours and if you’d consider becoming a Sub (Yes/No) with a preferred day/hour. Thank you!

  • Yes! Rest Rooms are available by the Adoration entrance door and Chapel entrance doors. We ask that you please clean up after yourself as best as possible and be courteous of other guests in the facility.


  • ▪ First: Check with your Co-Adorers (before or after you) perhaps they could fill-in?

    ▪ Second: Check out the Substitute List. Adorers may call people on the sub-list to find a replacement

    ▪ Third: If you cannot find a substitute, as a courtesy, please notify the Adorers before and after your scheduled Hour that you will be away.

    ▪ Forth, please notify your Day Coordinator, on the contact team, that you will be away. They will confirm with Adorers to ensure the Monstrance is reposed in the Tabernacle or moved to the Altar.

  • ▪ Contact the scheduled Adorer (schedule and phone numbers are in the Sign-Up book).
    ▪ If they cannot make Adoration, or you cannot get in touch with them, please call your Day Coordinator, or the Parish Office at 908-889-2100 and let them know that no one came.
    ▪ A designated person will come to properly CLOSE the Chapel. 

  • ▪ If Scotch Plains schools are closed, Adoration chapel is closed. Please call the parish office at 908-889-2100 if you cannot make your scheduled Adoration time.

  • ▪ Please very reverently move the Monstrance back into the Tabernacle and lock it.
    Lights: Please turn off the lights and the power strip of the Candelabra Lights on the Altar.
    Entry and Exit Procedures: Please ensure the door is always locked for the Safety of the Consecrated Hosts and Adorers. Security codes are the same for entry and exit.


  • ▪ Silence is observed for the hours of Adoration.
    ▪ During private Adoration NO public prayers are allowed.
    ▪ Please be respectful to the incoming Adorers and minimize conversation.
    NEVER EVER leave the Eucharist alone!
    ▪ Do not move furniture, bring food/drinks, flowers, etc. to the Chapel.
    ▪ Please do not leave religious pamphlets, books, photo copies or notes in the Chapel, unless they are approved by the Pastor.

  • Call the parish office during business hours. Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 4PM. Friday 9AM - 2 PM. Office is closed Saturdays & Sundays. You can also send an e-mail to the Parish Staff at