Forming Mature Disciples

To become better disciples, we all need to commit to learning more about our faith and deepening our relationship with Jesus and Mary. As a community of believers, we continue to seek opportunities to supplement our existing adult formation offerings. Our latest offering will be a series of monthly articles intended to provide further insights into the teachings and traditions of the Church and the tenets of our faith. These articles are one of several about “Understanding the Mass”. In future articles, we will explore the different components of the Mass, their meaning and how they work together to help us encounter Christ.

IHM Speaker Series 2024: Stephen Barr - The Good News About Science and Faith

IHM Speaker Series 2024: Dan Balogh- Isn't the Eucharist Just a Symbol?

Dive into Faith Series 2023: Dr. John Bergsma

Dive Into Faith Series 2023: Dr. Chad Thralls

The Seven Big Myths About the Catholic Church - talk by Dr. Christopher Kaczor, Professor of Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University

Dive into your Faith this Lent - Virtual Lenten Speaker Series - Living as a Catholic in Challenging Times Speaker - Dr. Ralph Martin - March 23, 2021

Dive into your Faith this Lent - Virtual Lenten Speaker Series - The Family as a School of the Presence of God Speaker: Speaker is Dr. Joseph P. Rice

Made in the Image & Likeness of God: The Dignity of Human Life- Speaker - Sr. Magnificat Rose March 9, 2021

Lenten Series 2021- DIVE INTO YOUR FAITH THIS LENT! First session of a 5-part lenten speaker series. Faith & Science Truth Cannot Contradict Truth - Speaker: Dr. Stacy Trasancos

DIVE INTO YOUR FAITH THIS LENT - What is Catholicism? Speaker - Dr. Jeffrey Morrow

Engaging Disciples: First Meeting

Engaging Disciples: Second Meeting