Summer Academy
Families of Faith Presents: Summer Academy 2025
Summer Academy is an excellent opportunity to jumpstart our faith journey for another year, and reconnect with our Parish Community.
Our 9 Day Summer Academy serves as a kickoff to a year of formation. Sunday, June 29th-July 11th 2025.
Experience age appropriate lessons, service opportunities, singing, arts and crafts, prayer, the Sacraments and Daily Mass. What a way to reconnect with what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ!
Sunday, June 29th will be our big family kickoff! We’ll have a family session starting at 10:00 am and conclude the day with 12:00 pm Mass!
Monday-Friday sessions will run 9:00 am through 12:00 pm Mass
(families are invited to attend these Masses) Drop-off begins at 8:45 am
There will be no sessions on July 3rd - 6th for Independence Day.
New Families should complete the New Family Form below…
This summer program is primarily for Immaculate Heart of Mary Parishioners. If you belong to another parish, or don’t have one, please contact John McGuire.
Talk to John at the office to discuss your family’s options. Call 908-889-2100.
There will be one on-site session for children which will run from Sunday, June 29th to Tuesday, July 13th. Classes Monday-Friday will take place from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. On Weekdays each day will conclude with 12:00 PM Mass (all parents will be welcome to attend).
We will have an abbreviated Sunday Session. From 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM, children and youth will do a shortened session with their catechists and classmates.
Parents will attend their own sessions, then we will reunite for 12:00 PM Mass. Sunday Sessions will also be an anchor point for program wide charity and service collections to be announced later! Registration began on Friday, February 28th and is set to conclude on Monday June 3, 2025.
There is an expectation that at minimum, Summer Academy Families make contact with the parish through Families of Faith Activities for at least 5-10 Activities.
Community Activities- Parish Feast, Thanksgiving Potluck, Pancake Breakfasts, etc.
Service Activities- Thanksgiving Food Drive, Christmas Cards for Seniors, Easter Basket Drive, MLK Jr. Day of Service, Community Baby Shower, Valentines for Seniors etc.
Liturgical Activities- Living Nativity, Living Stations of the Cross, Stations of the Cross, Family Adoration Night, Penance Services for Lent and Advent, Christmas Eve Family Mass/ Pageant, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil etc. -
Families participating in Summer Academy, will attend weekly Mass on Sunday, or a Vigil Mass at IHM Parish (or another church they happen to be for a weekend.)
Additionally, the parish will provide you with a resource to deepen your families’ faith and participation in the Liturgy (Kindergarten-Seventh Grade). Likely available in September. This resource provided as part of your registration will help your family to better understand, and prepare for the Mass, and the Gospel reading of that weekend through engaging stories, activities, and biography of people of faith!
8th Grade Discipleship Academy will take place on-site during the same time frame as Summer Families of Faith. No separate registration is required, it is the program for any 8th grader who is signed up for Summer Families of Faith. Although this program is not required for Confirmation preparation, it is highly recommended as it offers an excellent opportunity for fellowship, learning, group service projects and field trips.