Altar Servers

adult altar servers

We rely on our adult parishioners to serve at Funeral Masses and other services during the week or on Saturdays.  Training is simple, it takes a 15 minutes brush up (if you were once an altar boy) or 30 minutes if you have never served before. Don't worry, adult servers with bad knees are exempt from kneeling. Most adult servers are asked once every month or two to serve at a Funeral Mass. This is a great opportunity to regularly perform a Corporal Work of Mercy.

If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact the Parish Office at 908-889-2100.

youth altar servers

Youth Altar serving is one of the greatest honors available to the youth of our parish and a great way to experience Mass by playing an integral role in the celebration. Masses are held on Saturdays at 5 PM and Sundays at 8 AM, 10 AM and 12 NOON.  We usually have anywhere from 2 - 4 servers at each Mass. A schedule is prepared and posted on the church bulletin board.  Any youth parishioner is eligible to serve after their first communion and after attending the youth altar server training which is usually held twice a year.

If your child is interested in becoming a Youth Altar Server, please contact the Office at 908-889-2100.