Extraordinary ministers

Extraordinary Ministers

The Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers provides special and unique opportunities for its members to assist our priests and serve the people of our parish. Our most obvious activity is at Mass when we help to distribute the Sacred Eucharist in the form of bread and wine. Perhaps even more rewarding are our visits to the sick and homebound at the Seniors Housing Center and Ashbrook Nursing Home when we share the Eucharist with those unable to celebrate Mass with us in person.


Proclaiming the Word of God is an important part of the liturgical celebration. The connection between the Word and the Liturgy is enhanced by the lector who brings the Word of God to fellow parishioners. Lectors must have received the sacrament of Confirmation. Public speaking experience is a plus but not required. Training sessions are required which include background, lector procedures and techniques for proclaiming scripture.

Please contact the Office if you are interested in participating as an Extraordinary Minister and/or a Lector. Call 908-889-2100.