John McGuire
Faith Formation Pastoral Associate

Phone: 908-889-2100
Email: johnmcguire@ihmparish.net


Janet Manfredonia
Faith Formation Secretary

Phone: 908-889-2100
Email: janet@ihmparish.net

Families of Faith Prayer

Heavenly Father, We thank you for the gift of our family, for the love and joy we share with each other.
We ask you to bless us and protect us from all harm, to guide us in your ways and help us grow in faith.
We pray for our needs and the needs of others, especially those who are suffering or in need of your mercy.
We also pray for our departed loved ones, that they may rest in your peace and enjoy your presence.
We offer you our lives and our hearts, and we ask you to fill us with your grace and your love.
Through Christ our Lord.

Program OptionS 2024-2025

Families of Faith Registration

Families of Faith Spring and Fall will begin soon! If your family was previously registered in a program, you will receive an email from our online registration company, Parish Giving.

If you have not received your welcome letter, please contact Janet Manfredonia at faithformation@ihmparish.net or 908-889-2100 x 13 to have that resent, or to update your email address.

New families should follow this link to begin the process.

Sacramental Preparation
Sacramental preparation refers to the process of preparing for a sacrament in the Catholic Church. Through the Sacraments, God shares his holiness with us so that we, in turn, can make the world and our community a better place. Available in remote Preparation & Immediate Formation!

First Reconciliation and Eucharist
Summer or Fall/Spring Families of Faith or Catholic School (usually) during First and Second Grade. Attend retreats, family meetings, parent meetings, and rehearsals as listed on the Faith Formation Calendar.

Fall - Spring Programs
We meet twice a month for family gatherings, service, and celebration. We will form Families of Faith small groups to discuss faith, provide support, and grow together in faith. We will form disciples and grow together in faith. Meetings will take place September through May.

Attend Seventh Grade Inquiry Meeting, Family interview during Summer/Fall leading into Eighth Grade. Attend special rites, and formation sessions during Eighth and Ninth Grade. Attend 7th and 8th Grade Fall/Spring Families of Faith, or Discipleship Academy (During Summer program) and/or 8th grade At-Home Study.

Discipleship Academy
The Seventh and Eighth Grade level of Summer Families of Faith. Youth will take a deep dive into their faith, through Scripture, multimedia projects, field trips, and service activities. They will ask the question, “How do I live my Faith as a Disciple, once I’ve been fully initiated?”.

Summer Academy
Two weeks of intensive study of the faith, through classroom learning, liturgical ministry, participation in youth choir, and the arts. Families are then expected to attend weekly Mass throughout the year, while also participating in various service, and celebrations throughout the Fall and Spring.

Program UpdateS

Book of John

Catch up with Faith Formation Pastoral Associate John McGuire as he offers weekly writings designed to help parents reflect upon lessons from the Bible, along with relevant musings around modern parenthood. Published every week in our bulletin and curated within this archive. Click the button below to access the Book of John.