IHM Youth Ministry powered by BOLD

SERVICE OPPORTUNITY! Sunday October 6, 2024 @ 7 PM

Sign up below to bring in items to contribute to our Youth Ministry College Care Package Night! This is an opportunity to encourage and support the young adults from our parish who are in college. Many of the care packages we are sending are headed to freshmen experiencing their first semester of college, who might be a little homesick at this point! Help remind our alumni of God's love and our support.

ALL ARE INVITED TO CONTRIBUTE - Funds or items for the boxes! (Drop off in Nazareth Center during the week!) ALL IN HIGH SCHOOL ARE INVITED TO THE PACKING PARTY - Sunday, October 6, 2024 from 7-8:30pm in the downstairs of the Church (PLEASE NOTE THIS NEW LOCATION FOR OUR MEETINGS :) For those attending the packing party, please bring your items directly to the event.

IHM Youth Ministry powered by BOLD is Fiat Venture’s parish youth ministry program.  Rather than hiring an individual to be a “youth minister,” parishes can call upon Fiat Ventures to provide middle school and high school youth ministry at the highest quality and efficiency.

BOLD is more than just a brand. It is a specific philosophy and structure of youth ministry.

Our Mission and Goal

BOLD exists to expose teens to God’s love, promote a life of service to Christ, and provide a place for teens to enjoy each other’s company.
The primary goal of BOLD is to aid young people in building a personal relationship with Christ through Catholic formation, support, prayer, and the Sacraments.