Bereavement Ministry

During this time of sadness, our parish community extends our heartfelt prayers to you and your family. We believe the love of family and friends and the comfort of our faith in God helps us to mourn our loss. This leads us to a deeper understanding of God’s loving presence in our lives.

In preparing for your loved one’s funeral, please contact our Office to connect with one of our Bereavement Support Ministers for a copy of our Funeral Liturgy Guide. Your thoughtful information will assist the priest presiding at the Funeral Mass to speak meaningfully at the appropriate times. The form entitled “The Mass of the Christian Burial” is a planning guide for the Funeral Mass. It will assist you in selecting the Old Testament and New Testament readings, the music and any possible family involvement in the Mass.

Please take note the “Format for Funeral Liturgies” outline and the “Directives on a Eulogy”. Any questions you may have after reviewing this information are most welcome. If you are in need of further assistance, please feel free to call the Parish Office at 908-889-2100. Our prayers are with you.

The Parish Community of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

The Office of Family Life Ministries of the Archdiocese offers a program for those who wish to become facilitators for existing parish bereavement support groups or for those who wish to begin one. This program can also serve to enhance the general bereavement ministry services in our parish. Participants will explore the many faces of grief and will receive practical information about forming a parish-based ministry.

Bereavement Support Groups

Cup of Grief Cafe

St. Bartholomew Bereavement Ministry invites you to join us at the “Cup of Grief Cafe” in the lower break room of Rossi Funeral Home at 1937 Westfield Ave in Scotch Plains on Thursdays from 7- 8:30 PM.

For more information please contact:
Bernadette (908.510.0995)
Jo-Anne (908.889.7790)


SEASONS is a non-denominational support group for individuals who have experienced the loss of a partner, including divorced, separated, or widowed individuals, and for those never married. It is designed to provide assistance in the process of navigating from being a couple to life as a single person. We do this through group discussions, guest speakers, and social activities. Our meetings take place monthly on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at the First Presbyterian Church, 11 Springfield Ave. in Cranford.

For information, contact Bob at 908-322-7762 or