We go by many names. Hospitality Ambassador? Hospitality Minister? Usher? But they all have the same objective: to serve as a sense of welcoming to all the faithful in the celebration of Mass. Our purpose as Hospitality Ambassadors at Catholic Mass is to serve as welcoming stewards of the church. Assisting and guiding parihioners as they gather for worship and prayer. With a spirit of hospitality and reverence, we strive to create a sacred and welcoming environment for all who come to encounter God in the celebration of the Eucharist. Through our service, we seek to facilitate a smooth and reverent flow of the liturgy. Ensuring that all are able to fully participate in the sacred mysteries and experience of Christ in our midst.
Our goal is to enlist new parishioners, young and old, to support the existing core. This could be accomplished by articles in the weekly bulletin, at the pulpit by the priest or a personal invitation from one of the Hospitality Ambassadors (Ushers). We also recruit future members of the Hospitality Ambassadors collaborating with the youth and Confirmation candidates.
Call Emil at 908-889-2100 if you are interested in serving as a Hospitality Ambassador.