CLOW: Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children's Liturgy of the Word, or CLOW, is offered on Sundays during the 10 AM Mass, once a month. CLOW is a liturgical experience of God's presence in the ritual proclamation of the Word. During Mass, after the opening prayer, the children and their leader are excused from the assembly to gather in a separate worship space where the scriptures are proclaimed in language they can understand. The children return to sit with their parents for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Please contact John, our Families of Faith Coordinator for more details on our CLOW program. Or call the Office at 908-889-2100.


September 2024
9/15- 10:00 am Mass- Family Mass/ Families of Faith Orientation
9/22- 10:00 am Mass- CLOW 
October 2024
10/6- 10:00 am Mass- Family Mass
10/27- 10:00 am Mass- CLOW (in conjunction with Table or Treat)
November 2024
11/17- 10:00 am Mass- CLOW 
11/24- 10:00 am Mass- Family Mass 
December 2024
12/8- 12:00 pm Mass- Family Mass 
12/15- 10:00 am Mass- CLOW