Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Welcome to Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish!
We are located at 1571 S. Martine Ave. Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Call: 908-889-2100 | Email:

Saturday (Anticipated) 5:00 PM
Sundays - 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 noon
Weekdays & Saturdays - 7:00 AM and 8:30AM
National Holidays - 9:00 AM / Holy Days - 7:00 AM, 12:00 noon, 7:00 PM
Morning Prayer - Monday - Saturday at 8:15 AM
Rosary: Monday - Saturday after 8:30 AM Mass
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude: Saturdays after 8:30 AM Mass Reconciliation: Saturdays from 4:15 - 4:45 AM

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time: September 15, 2024



IHM Youth Ministry powered by BOLD

IHM Youth Ministry powered by BOLD is Fiat Venture’s parish youth ministry program.  Rather than hiring an individual to be a “youth minister,” parishes can call upon Fiat Ventures to provide middle school and high school youth ministry at the highest quality and efficiency.

BOLD is more than just a brand. It is a specific philosophy and structure of youth ministry.

Our Mission and Goal

BOLD exists to expose teens to God’s love, promote a life of service to Christ, and provide a place for teens to enjoy each other’s company.
The primary goal of BOLD is to aid young people in building a personal relationship with Christ through Catholic formation, support, prayer, and the Sacraments.


We take our mission statement seriously at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish. “To give praise and thanks to God and to love our neighbors as ourselves.” That is why we offer a wide selection of ministries to help serve our community. We encourage you to get involved with these ministries and share our unique experiences with each other.

+ Baptism Preparation
+ Beautification Committee
+ Bereavement Ministry
+ CYO Basketball Parent’s Guild
+ Finance Council
+ Food Pantry
+ Holy Name Society
+ Homebound Ministry
+ Hospitality Team
+ IHM Garden
+ Knights of Columbus
+ Livestream Team
+ Parish Council
+ Prayer Shawl Knitting Group
+ Rosary Altar Society
+ Wedding Preparation

+ Acolytes
+ Adoration Chapel
+ Alpha
+ Altar Servers
+ Beta: The Search
+ Catechists
+ Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
+ DVD Bible Study
+ Extra Ordinary Ministers
+ Lectio Divina/Prayer Group
+ Men’s Scripture & Discussion Group
+ Music Ministry/Choir
+ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
+ Spirituality Seminar (Book Club)
+ Ushers
+ Women’s Prayer Group

Good news

The IHM Pancake Breakfast a huge success!

September 16, 2024

The IHM Pancake Breakfast was a huge success! Approximately 115 people attended throughout the morning. Thanks to our parishioners and volunteers for coming out and supporting the church. This is a list of volunteers in alphabetical order:

Kathy Adisano, Lesley Aman, Steve Aman, Michael Dsurney, MJ Dsurney, Mara Haight, Bob Laudati, Margaret Lewis, Rileigh Lin, Bella Lin, Mary Frances Malone, Pat Mazzucca, Diane McGuinness, Bob McGuinness, June Mooney, Jean Naugle, Anabella Nizner, Regina O'Connor, Regina Regan, Karen Schurtz, Jack Tafur, John Torzewski, Claudia Torzewski, Bonnie Trower

Online Giving Options

Your continued support during these difficult times is important for our Church to continue to do its work. Please click the button above to donate directly to our parish or the Archdiocese of Newark’s Annual Appeal. Please call the office if you need assistance 908-889-2100. Thank you!

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IHM Mission Statement:

“To give praise and thanks to God, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and in imitation of our Blessed Mother Mary, lead all to an encounter
and deepening relationship with Jesus Christ.”