Beautification comMitee

For lack of a better word, the Beautification Committee are dedicated individuals in our community committed in making our Parish Beautiful.

Decorations & Vestments
Members maintain the sacred liturgical space of the church by watering altar flowers, maintaining altar linens, priest and altar server vestments. They also help decorate the church and clean for holy days.

Adopt A Garden
The 'Adopt a Garden' program was created to beautify all the garden areas throughout the campus. This a great opportunity for everyone, families or individuals. Each of our 35+ are available to plant flowers! There is no set schedule, you help when you can, and the only expectation is that you'll commit to clean up and planting in the spring, maintenance (weeding and water) through the summer, and a help clean-up in the fall.

Please contact Mary Kate if you are interested in helping to make this parish beautiful or call the Office at 908-889-2100.