Updated COVID Directives

February 16, 2022

STILL IN EFFECT: Masks will no longer be required for fully vaccinated persons. If not fully vaccinated, persons are strongly encouraged to follow CDC guidance and wear a face mask in public settings. People will no longer be required to socially distance indoors or outdoors, although unvaccinated persons should continue to maintain a safe distance from others. These directives apply to Masses and activities in Church. Archdiocesan protocols for Religious Education and Basketball programs remain in effect.

LITURGICAL MINISTERS: All ministries may return to full service – altar servers, lectors, ushers, greeters and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Ministers of Holy Communion must still sanitize their hands and wear a mask when distributing Communion.

COMMUNION: While Communion on the tongue is now permitted, for the safety of the priests, ministers and other communicants, we encourage continued reception of communion in the hand. At this time, Communion from the cup should not be distributed to the assembly.

SANITIZING: The cleaning and sanitizing of churches and common spaces should be done regularly. It is not required after every liturgy.

PARISH MEETINGS: Parish meetings in person may resume. Those vaccinated are not required to wear masks for indoor meetings nor are they required to maintain social distancing. The same recommendations for Mass apply to those not vaccinated.